

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations: fire development and verification of smoke extraction/removal systems

We perform simulations of fire development and smoke propagation using the numerical Computational Fluid Dynamics method. This analysis is designed to determine whether protected escape routes will stay safe long enough for evacuation and for rescue and firefighting activities. Further, the simulation tells us about mean combustion gas temperatures within smoke exhaust or jet fans, which enables selection of adequate temperature classes of the devices.

Our project team is composed of National Fire Service officers, sanitary system, fire safety and environmental engineers, and forensic fire safety experts.

The boundary conditions that we accept for our simulations (such as the heat release rate, fire development curve, or the computational grid scale based on the latest research) provide a high enough safety margin for having your facilities accepted by the National Fire Service.

“The Fireman” GP has licensed software and high-performance computers for rapid processing of such tasks.

Hot smoke trials

We offer performance of acceptance trials for smoke ventilation systems using hot smoke generators. The generator consists of heating trays with liquid fuel, hot smoke ducts resistant to temperatures of up to 200°C and flow controls.

The trial has the following purposes:

  • Verification of activation of the fire signaling system;
  • Verification of duct and smoke zone barrier (curtain) tightness;
  • Verification of accuracy of assumptions underlying fire development simulation;
  • Visualization of smoke flow through ducted or ductless forced and gravitational ventilation systems;
  • Evaluation of smoke ventilation performance and interaction of fire protection systems.

The trial includes measurement of smoke parameters and characteristics of the ventilation system. The trial concludes with a wrap-up report. If the tested system underperforms, recommendations are drafted for remedying the problem.

This testing method is totally clean and harmless to people, environment, structures and interior finishes.

Such trials can be ran in facilities equipped with automatic water-based extinguishing systems (such as sprinklers). Smoke generators can also be used for testing ventilation duct tightness.